Best Escape Rooms in Madison
To find the Best Escape Rooms in Madison, please contact Escape in Time using one of the following methods:
MAIL: 6527 Normandy Lane, Suite #203
Madison WI 53719
PHONE: (608) 833-TIME(8463)
Open: Thursdays-Sundays Closed: Mondays-Wednesdays (inbox monitored for emergencies)
We are located behind MARKET SQUARE mall off Odana Road, on the back side - near the Market Square Theater. Convenient to restaurants and shopping, just a block from West Towne Mall on Madison's west side!
Take the Beltline (12/18) and get off on Gammon Road exit towards West Towne Mall. Turn right at the light onto Odana Road (no turn on red). Turn left on Grand Canyon Drive at the lights, and take the 1st right onto Normandy Lane. Then take your 1st right, behind Market Square Mall (Please note: we are located BEHIND the mall, opposite from Market Square Theater). Park anywhere, then enter 6527 Normandy Lane building, through the glass doors (we are the office building with the large diamond-shaped window on top). Then take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor. Head all the way down the long hallway, through 2 sets of double doors and we are straight ahead, Suite #203. Please ring the doorbell, wait until you are prompted to enter, and then see if you can find your way into the lobby of Escape in Time. If you are waiting for other guests, please wait for them inside our lobby.
Please park in back, BEHIND Market Square Mall. If you park in the front of the mall, you will need to walk under the breezeway between Pink Poodle/Play It Again Sports and follow the sidewalk around the building to your left to the back of the building.
See you soon!
Feel free to contact us directly during our business hours (Thursdays - Sundays) or fill out the form below with your name and phone number so that we may get back to you.
We are Open: Thursdays-Sundays (with the exception of holidays), and Closed: Mondays-Wednesdays (inbox monitored for emergencies)